Moravian Mission Coffee Varieties




Product Description

Moravian Mission Coffee makes it possible for you to support Moravians around the world just by drinking your morning cup of joe! Enjoy these delicious medium roast coffees, including the original Mt. Elgon, Uganda Community Blend in whole bean and ground, along with a new decaffeinated Community Blend and hazelnut (caffeinated); all available in 12 oz. bags.

Each bag purchased will help the Board of World Mission contribute to specific needs and ministries through Mission Grants. Support your coffee farmer, too — our partners at Lutheran World Relief are committed to paying their farmers a living wage to help lift their families out of poverty.

Select your option when ordering.  Moravian Mission Coffee is only available for sale in the United States.



Additional Information

Weight lbs
Coffee Types

Ground Mt. Elgon Blend, Whole Bean, Ground, Hazelnut (ground), Decaffeinated (ground), MUG AND GROUND, MUG AND WHOLE