Joining Our Voices: Moravian Hymns by Moravian Church Choir

Joining Our Voices: Moravian Hymns by Moravian Church Choir


4 in stock

SKU: CD - JOINING Categories: ,

Product Description


Moravians sing. Moravian worship services are characterized by singing hymns of traditional composers and contemporary composers and writers. This collection of Moravian hymns is the first of what we hope will be a series of recordings of hymns and anthems popular in American Moravian congregations. 28 tracks.


  1. Joining Our Voices
  2. Now Thank We All Our God
  3. God is My Strong Salvation
  4. Welcome Among Your Flock of Grace
  5. Once He Came in Blessing
  6. Morning Star
  7. For Our Transgressions
  8. O Sacred Head, Now Wounded
  9. Go to Dark Gethsemane
  10. Jesus, My Redeemer, Lives
  11. Holy Trinity, We Confess With Joy
  12. When Simplicity We Cherish
  13. The Savior’s Blood and Righteousness
  14. Lord Christ Jesus, Our Salvation
  15. Come, Let Us Sing the Song of Songs
  16. Come, Holy Ghost, Our Souls Inspire
  17. Come, Let Us All With Gladness Raise
  18. How Shall I Meet My Savior
  19. Hosanna
  20. Here in the Name of Christ Our Lord
  21. Wake, Awake, for Night is Flying
  22. Jesus Makes My Heart Rejoice
  23. Jesus, Great High Priest of Our Profession
  24. Jesus’ Love Unbounded
  25. Christian Hearts in Love United
  26. Sing Hallelujah, Praise the Lord
  27. Ten Thousand Times Ten Thousand
  28. Die Gnade (The Grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ)

Additional Information

Weight .4 lbs